What's on my mind.

28 July 2008

Rue Bourbon...

scared her. But it didn't scar her. Nettie had a really good time last weekend, didn't want to leave, and can't wait to go back. I just wanted to make a couple of quick observations.

One doesn't HAVE to get caught in a downpour for one's pants to be damp enough to chafe horribly, walking around the zoo in the middle of the day in Louisiana in July will do just fine, but it doesn't hurt.

Dog, who reportedly hates water, cooling off after a run in Audubon Park

WOW is zoo food expensive. I mean, we ate some overpriced food over the weekend (train, zoo, aquarium, and airport) but a burger I could get at Micky D's for 99¢ for $5 - ridiculous. By comparison our diner on the train cost a mere $11 more (than lunch at the zoo) and was very nice (i.e. not nearly so overpriced and better food).

How cool is it that I planned a trip a month in advance and get to see an environmental disaster on it? Cool in the same way the earthquakes and volcanoes erupting is cool. Sorry I'm a geologist. I find these things fascinating.

Baffles helping coral the oil spill on the Mississippi
and men putting out strings of pom-pom looking stuff to soak up the oil

Rodents are mostly only cute in cages particularly when they are this size:

Nutria found as far north in Alabama as Eutaw, at least I hear
Much less this size:

Capybara, largest rodent on earth (luckily only found in South America

I don't know if this is the coolest or worst job ever at an aquarium:

Guy cleaning the glass in the Caribbean reef exhibit.

I'll have all the photos up in a couple of days.

Edit: I almost forgot - My dog has amazing control over her bodily functions. She refused to go out side for my parents all weekend. There was a suspiciously sticky spot in the dining room but that was it. 61 hours inside.

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